There's Nothing Like The Sound of Your VoiceOh, my friends, we have made it to the manger. We've made it to the feeding trough and there before us is the Bread of Life, the Righteous Branch oustretched, and at peace. The heart knows all is well in this moment. A calm delight wells up within. Stop and take it in for just a moment. You are there in the presence of His complete pureness. It's time to worship. How? Still your body. Still your mind. And worship........... Come, let us worship and bow down; Let us kneel before the Lord our Maker. For He is our God, and we are the sheep of HIs hand. Today, if you would hear His voice..... -- Psalms 95:6-7 Worship - to depress oneself, not in the sense of the word depression as we hear it today, but to lower self, self desires, our selfishness. Depress ourselves, press self down so that He may be lifted up.
We become less. He becomes more. Today, if you would hear His voice.... You're at the manger. Depress yourself and - Hear. Hear in passage comes from shama and it means to hear with the intention of obeying. Hearing with the intention of obeying is a true form of worship. Self is truly pressed down, self interest removed and God interest is at the forefront. Today, my sisters, if you would hear His voice.... He wants to talk to you. Go - hastily - to the manger. Stop.... Yes, now.... Worship.... Listen..... He will speak. His voice - your 18th gift this December to Remember. Tears fill my eyes at the thought of your voice speaking within. When I depress myself in worship and then hear You, its I want to depress myself farther, allowing You to speak more and more. Nothing can replace those times I have shared with You, Father, and I ask You to give that wonderful gift to every heart that reads these words. Some of them may have never realized your voice, and I don't want them to miss out on the beauty and peace of knowing You have spoken. Dance upon their hearts, Father, so that their hearts may dance before You. Make today a day of worship that they have never known. I know You want to do that and I know that You will. Today, God, I hear your voice.....
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