I Don't Like to TravelWhere is He who has been born King of the Jews? For we saw His star in the east and have come to worship Him. -- Matthew 2:2 We talked about the journey for wisdom yesterday, and we are still on a journey, but our destination is different. The wise men had pursued wisdom which is how they knew to follow the star, but the journey itself was even more than a pursuit of wisdom, it was also for worship. We can pursue wisdom, but then what we do with it is vital. They searched out wisdom and used it to move from where they were to a new place, a place of worship. Simply moving from where we are now in life to the new place wisdom has revealed is a form of worship. Obeying God is one way we worship Him. Trusting that you will meet God more closely in the new place and anticipating that deeper relationship is worship. You can celebrate throughout the journey. It doesn't always have to be 800 miles and it doesn't always take 40 days, sometimes the trip He wants to take us on is short both in distance and time, but what He wants from us is the willingness to travel. He doesn't even expect us to walk alone, He will be your travel companion and He has an itinerary planned for the journey that is specific to each of us if we would but pack our suitcases and move from one place to the next. Truthfully, I don't really like to travel. I like to be at home. Even when we are getting ready for vacation, I always dread the process, but when I get there, I am so glad I didn't back out. You will be too. The trip will be worth it. Are you willing to travel? He has your itinerary ready. The world has an itinerary for you and you may have one for yourself. Wisdom calls us to choose His itinerary over the others. Are you packed? Step out with one foot - the journey begins, so does the worship. Your 20th gift this December to Remember - travel plans, a trip that is worth it. For I know the plans that I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for calamity to give you a future and a hope. -- Jeremiah 29:11
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