Family MattersAnd they came into the house and saw the Child with Mary His mother; and they fell down and worshiped Him. -- Matthew 2:11 The wisemen pursued wisdom and the pursuit of wisdom led them to a new place. They've reached the place where the child is, where Jesus is. His house. They found Jesus safe at home with his mother.
And they came in. Into the place Jesus shared with His family. His home. A home is a place we share with family. Entering someone's home gives us a glimpse into their world, we connect more intimately when we spend time in someone's home. The wise men entered the intimate place Jesus shared with His family. Where is His home on now? Yes, our hearts, but that's not where I'm going with this. Where is the intimate place He shares with His family? There's another place that we refer to as His house . . . . . . The church. We come together as the church to enjoy Him and enjoy our family. Not just our biological family, our spiritual family. If we are wise men and women we will "come in" to His house like the magi did. We know Him more after spending time in His home. May I encourage you, if you are not part of a local congregation, find your family. It is wise. Very wise. I understand you may have experienced interractions with a church in the past that were less than pleasant, and for that I am truly sorry. These things should not be. Please understand before you try it again, there is no perfect congregation, but we have a perfect Savior, and that is what matters. We have to stay connected if we are to stay strong. The enemy wants you isolated and alone, away from family so that he can destroy you. Dare to come in my friends, for it is wise. On the other hand, for those of you who are an active part of a local church, it's our jobs to create a homey atmosphere. What are you doing to make it feel like family? Would it feel like a home to someone? When others taste wisdom and dare to come in to the home you share with Christ and His family, is that atmosphere one that would lead them to fall down and worship Him? Your 21st gift this December to Remember - Family.
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