Opening Treasures....and opening their treasures they presented to Him gifts of gold and frankincense and myrrh. -- Matthew 2:11 After the wise men came into the house, they opened their treasures.
What is it that you treasure? What comes to mind when you hear that word? Treasures, in our eyes, are worth more than money could ever buy, they are often collected and held near and dear to our hearts. Looking through that lense, I'll ask again, what is it that you treasure? Is it your family, your children, your house, your bank account? Maybe it's your marriage, or an organized life, a clean kitchen? Maybe you are really talented at something and you cherish that talent. What is held near to your heart? opening their treasures they presented to Him gifts. They didn't stop at opening the treasures, they went on to present from their treasures gifts... to Him. These gifts were given as an expression of honor. They had pursued wisdom, so they knew this child was the King of the Jews and they wanted to honor Him. Do we know that? There are days when I don't open my treasures to HIm at all. There are days when I open my treasures and show them to Him, closing the lid on them and keeping them to myself. Those are days when my heart has become disconnected and I fail to remember He is the King of the Jews. But there are a few days that I get it right, and I open what is dearest to my heart and present that treasure to Him as a gift. An expression of honor to my King. Once I give someone a gift, it is no longer mine, it belongs to the receiver to do with it as he sees fit. We can truly honor Him, by giving Him something that is dear to us to do with as He pleases. What gifts do you have for the King? We all have gifts, for they have been given to us by the Giver himself. Your 22nd gift this December to Remember - Gifts. Gifts to present to your King. To do with as He sees fit. Giver of all good things, what can I give You? What do You have on your Christmas list this year that only could come from me? Search me and know me, and then Abba Father, whisper it in my ear that I may honor you.
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