Sometimes the things of this life just don't make sense. We pray and seek God, but it seems like forever before an answer comes.
The waiting is so hard. We go back to Him again and again for clarity, asking if we have "missed something". Still nothing. The waiting is still so hard. The days pass, the quietness lingers long, and the waiting gets more difficult with each passing day. It was in the midst of waiting that He taught me something. It was late on a Saturday afternoon, the grocery shopping and errand running was complete, and I was on my way home. Merging onto the interstate, I was relieved at the thought of getting away from some of the stop and go traffic, playing a favorite CD, and just moving on down the road. In my mind I assumed I would be able to just drive. Get to where I was going. Make it to my destination. Simply move on. But it wasn't that easy. I found my little car clustered amongst several others, I moved to the outside lane as to pass slower traffic, following closely behind the car in front of me. That car was closely following the one in front of it, but none of us were going anywhere very fast, or at least not at the speed we preferred. The fast lane wasn't passing the slow lane very quickly, and the slow lane wasn't getting in any more of a hurry. I was boxed in and forced to just go with the flow. There was not a thing I could do about it, except continue at a safe speed with the cars around me. Yes, I was going to get to my destination eventually, but maybe not quite as quickly as I had in mind, but even at this speed, I would still get there. That's when I felt His nudge within - Your life is like kind of like this highway. Yes, I have been praying and waiting upon Him and He has heard me. He is working. He's very aware of where I am. But sometimes I'm in traffic. He is working in more lives than just mine, I'm not the only car on the road. And maybe some of the traffic is moving a little slow, the others not in quite as much of a hurry as I am. I will still eventually reach the destination, maybe just not as quickly as I had in mind. I can rest knowing that I am within His hand, never out of His reach. I can rest knowing that He has heard me and that He is moving and working. I am on the right road. I will stay in my lane and wait for Him to clear the traffic. How beautiful that day will be. God, I thank you that you still continue to show and teach me things through my everyday situations and experiences. Yes, You are a God with thoughts far beyond my own; yet, You still make yourself simple so that we can learn from You. Royal Princess Daughter Of The King Linked With:
Julia Meyer
5/24/2012 03:43:25 am
Oh, the new website. I am reading your posts but I wanted to go back and post here because this post is how I am feeling now! I feel like I'm on a highway with no destination stuck in major traffic. Everything I do seems mundane and useless. The more I speed up the more I look around with endless undone things. I am driving on a circle highway with nothing at home, at work, at anywhere getting accomplished and by the time I circle around again, it was like I hadn't done anything at all. I feel like God hears my cries (and trust me I've been asking for Him to HELP) but I can't get up the mountain to the top so I sit.........tired and wondering when my help will come (which is unlike the doer that I am). I know in my heart that my God will protect and provide.........but I can't wait to get out of my traffic jam!
Amy Dotson
5/24/2012 04:02:24 am
I know how difficult feeling like that is. The deserts seem so huge sometimes. If this helps, your perseverance inspires me and many others. Love you!
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