Ever sat in a crowded room, surrounded by people and still feel completely alone? Have you found yourself feeling you had nowhere to turn, no one to talk to, no one who would understand your situation or give you advice? Maybe the quiet of being alone has been piercingly loud. Did you take a stand for something only to look around and find no one else standing with you? Are you the only believer in your work place dreading the day you face alone? Don't forget...... Loneliness is something we feel. And feelings aren't truth. Here's the truth, precious one. The truth is found in His name alone. EMMANUEL His very name means God WITH us. It is who He is. We can't be alone. This is a truth I sometimes I know in my head, but have to choose for my heart. Especially when..... ...I'm in a room full of people and feel alone. ...I feel there is no where to turn and no one who understands. ...the quiet is piercingly loud. ...I've taken a stand for something and look around to find no one else standing with me. To believe that I'm alone is to deny the very truth of scripture, to deny the exact meaning of His name, and I just can't do that. It would cost me too much. So when I feel alone, or when I'm facing something difficult, I choose to believe verses like this one - Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the Lord will PERSONALLY go ahead of you. He will be with you; He will neither fail you or abandon you. Not only is He with me, since God is omnipresent can be everywhere at once, He has already arrived in the situation I am facing. He personally goes ahead of me. He's already there, He's just waiting on me to arrive, and He won't leave when I get there either! When you look around and feel that God is nowhere to be found. The answer is in that very word, friend. Pull apart the lie of nowhere and you will see the truth, He is NOW HERE. Right now, daughter, God is here. With you. XOXO, |